June update

June was an extremely successful month, I had another two big super series races in Leeds and Eton-Dorney.

The first of the two races was Leeds which was only about two hours away from home so was a short journey. When we arrived in Leeds, we headed straight to the Premier Inn and had a huge meal which didn’t pay off during the race. After the meal I decided to get some sleep so I headed to bed excited to what the next day would bring.

When I woke up I went straight to the breakfast place and ate the usual Nutella on toast. After that we headed over to the course which was only around about 15 minutes away from the hotel. When we got there, I headed to transition, racked my bike and went on a steady jog around the lake. When we had around 15 minutes to go till my race I got my wetsuit on and headed to the swim start. We got lined up in ranked order which was 5th place which would give me a good spot on the pontoon.

When we got taken onto the pontoon we chose our spots and got ready to go. When the starting horn went of we all dived in and started to swim as hard as we could to the first buoy. I went around it in about 15th but at the next buoy I got dragged back to around 30th but I was able to hold that position to the end of the swim. It was a long run into transition and I over took around about 6 people. I had a fast transition and came out in around 25th, after we mounted our bikes we immediately hit a short steep hill which I had to work really hard up to make the group that was forming ahead of me. I made it into the group but there was another big group about 15 seconds up on us. We worked really hard for the whole bike and ended up only closing the gap to around 13 seconds. I had a terrible second transition and lost at least five places going onto the run, I was in around 15th position and knew if I pushed really hard I would have a chance at getting onto the podium. With 400meters to go I was in fourth position and started being sick everywhere but managed to work my way up to third and was able to hold onto the position all the way to end. 

This was probably one of my best races ever especially as it was my first ever super series podium, Eton Dorney was next and I was hoping to improve.

The next triathlon was Eton Dorney which I was hoping to get on the podium at. This was my fourth triathlon of the year and was quite important because it was a chance to get into the top 3 in the super series ranking.

We headed down to Eaton on the Friday ready for the race on Saturday, we got to the hotel late so had a meal and headed to bed. In the morning we got up and headed straight to the race course, we couldn’t do a bike recce so I put my bike in transition did a warm up, got my wetsuit on and headed to the swim start.

I was ranked 4th going into the water and got the best starting place closest to the buoys, I had a great start and got to the first buoy in around 5th but at the second buoy I got dragged back to around 20th but ended up coming out of the water in around about 40th place but I had a rubbish transition and ended up coming out of transition in around about 45th. Somehow, I ended up in a big chase group which was around about 15 seconds down on the big lead group but we all rode hard in the chase group and ended up catching the lead group with 2.5k to go.

It was a big group of 50 entering transition and I got into transition in 4th and set of onto the run in 1st but ended up running back to transition to pick up my chip which had fallen of but I still ended up leaving transition in around 4th and quickly made my way up to the front of the race. After around about 800m in, the fastest runner in the field came past and put a seven second gap into me. After we turned the halfway point I realised I was starting to catch on the leader and with 600meters to go I had passed him and knew I had won. I passed the line and was sick everywhere but I was over the moon to take my first super series win a year young. 

Thank you to pedal potential for the support this season.